
Babymoon on Oahu! Last big trip before #3 arrives. Obie was in the pool for a week straight, and Emmet learned how to make sandcastles. And of course, since we were at the Aulani, there were some close encounters of the Disney kind. 

Bike ride to Seymour Dam

On the evening before his first day of kindergarten (!), Obie and I took the trail-a-bike way out into the woods, up to the Seymour Dam. It’s accessible only by bike or foot on a 12km paved trail that goes through deep forest and even some old growth areas. Same place that had the cougar warning signs from earlier this summer. It was Obie’s longest ride to date and the offroad parts were his first mountain bike ride! He pedaled hard and helped us power up the hills, we ate lots of snacks, found some cool rocks, learned about salmon, and got to hang out in some cool remote areas by the Seymour river.