The wonders of independent play

Obie is starting to do a lot of independent play, and even let us read the paper this morning! He is enamored with books and is starting to say the words he knows in the books ('neigh' in the video).

Other things to report: Obie says about 7 words regularly these days - mama, dada, tikka (nonstop), up ('ba'), open, all done, bye bye, duck, friends' names at school, and many animal sounds (ba, neigh, moo). Language acquisition is quite a cool thing.

Thanksgiving in Hawaii

We're having a great time on Maui. Obie loves the beach, and after one day of eating sand is pretty much over that and fully into playing with it. He cackles when I cover his legs up with sand, and is thrilled by the waves rushing around him. Today he tried to chase down some pigeons on the beach -- we decided he and Tikka are now at an equal level of development, since that is her favorite pastime too.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!