
Obie embraced his Canadian half this Halloween, deciding to be a maple tree. So with a garland of fake leaves, a coat hanger for branches, some brown clothes, face paint, a clip-on bird, and a bucket for maple syrup/candy, he was all set. Emmet was a skeleton, although his spooky skeleton PJs were all covered up with extra layers by the time we went out. He looks a little nonplussed in these pictures, but he was actually having a great time. Beth and I were a (last minute) clown and otter, respectively. 

After a round of trick or treating around our block, seeing all our neighbors and their kids, Obie and I took off alone for round two while Emmet went to bed and Beth handed out candy at the house. 

While I certainly held his hand a bit, this was really Obie's first Halloween of independence. We met up with his friend Owen and his family who live on the other side of Main Street, and trick or treated together into the evening. Obie was a blur of leaves streaking from house to house with Owen, who was dressed as Princess Elsa. The two of them bravely went up without their parents to most of the houses, including the Dragon house, where they had to reach into the mouth of a black-lit disembodied dragon head to get candy! The evening culminated with fireworks (a Vancouver Halloween tradition) and sparklers at a nearby park, and Obie was "not even scared" at the booms, pretty much a 180 degree turn from last year. What a big 4 year old!


I love the tree! You out did yourself on that costume, Chris.

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